Schedule Online

Schedule A Consultation

Interested in working together? We offer free 30-minute consultations to determine whether we would be a good fit. This time gives me the opportunity to learn about you and assess whether I would be a good fit for your needs, and gives you a chance to experience my style and decide whether it would be a good fit for you or your child.

All consultations happen virtually and details will be provided to you upon completion of booking your consultation. If we decide it’s a good match, the next step will be to schedule a diagnostic intake. I will provide that information when appropriate.

To schedule your free consultation, please click the button below. You will be guided through the steps to select a date and enter your information. Note that you will receive both an on-screen confirmation as well as a confirmation to the email address you provide in the booking process.

If you have any questions or issues, please use our contact form to send us a message.

If you are in an emergency or crisis situation, please do one of the following:
Call 911 | Use the Crisis Text Line by texting “MN” to 741741 | Go to your nearest hospital emergency room | Call your local county crisis line